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Thu, May

The new CO2 car and trucks emission limits established for 2030


The EU Council has definitively approved new limits for CO2 emissions for cars and trucks.

The regulation wants to guarantee that, starting from 2030, new cars and trucks will generate on average, respectively, a lower percentage of CO2 emissions (37.5% and 31% less) compared to the levels set for 2021. An intermediate step has also been set: between 2025 and 2029 cars and trucks will be allowed to produce at least a 15% less of CO2 emissions compared to now. These objectives will involve the entire EU vehicle fleet and the CO2 reduction effort will be distributed among every car producers on the basis of the average mass of their vehicle fleet.

The entry into force is expected on the twentieth day following its publication in the Official Journal of the European Union and will be enforced from January 1st, 2020. The average CO2 emissions of new cars sold in the EU in 2018 are 118.5 g/km, so to reach 95 g/km planned for 2021 will be a real challenge.