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Tue, May

Toward an economy with low carbon emissions


In July, the European Commission presented its measures to accelerate the reduction of carbon emissions in all sectors of the economy, proposing new goals for 2030 with respect 2005.

The goals refer to the period 2021-2030 and the sectors not covered by the ETS (Emission Trading Scheme): transportation, construction, agriculture, waste, soil use and forestry. Italy will have to reduce its CO2 emissions by 33% with respect to 2005.

Part of the package is a strategy of low-emission mobility, development of digital technologies and alternative energies, improvement of internal combustion engines, transition toward vehicles with low and no emissions. By the end of the year the Commission will also present its initiatives on the subject of renewable energy, energy efficiency and the internal energy market, an integral part of the strategy of the Union on Energy. The Minister for the Environment, Gian Luca Galletti says: Italy is always ready to do its part, but the proposed distribution of the quotas for the non-ETS sector and the mechanisms of flexibility contemplated are not fair.