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Mon, May

MISE, support for cars and networks


The working group dedicated to measures to support the demand for means of transportation (MiSE), chaired by the Economic Development Minister Mr. Stefano Patuanelli, met during the automotive round table (see Ecomobile 140).

The participants were provided with a series of topics of discussion that included which strategic actions and short-medium term measures to take in order to encourage the renewal of vehicles for scheduled and non-scheduled transport (taxis, shared vehicles); re-allocate the unspent resources of the 2019 Budget Law with incentives for the purchase of vehicles for 2020-2021 and any additional equipment; to accelerate the disposal of cars before Euro 4; to accelerate the renewal of public transport vehicles; to create integrated logistics hubs for electric recharging and refueling of vehicles equipped with storage systems; to adjust the tariff plans for charging electric vehicles (with Arera) for local public transport and simplify administrative procedures. The discussion on these topics – underlines a note from the ministry – will allow to decide which measures and resources to implant and to allocate to support the demand for mobility taking into account the technological and economic changes occurred in the automotive supply chain.