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Sun, May

Transportation with natural gas and electrical vehicles have been granted incentives


Once again there is new financing available for third parties transportation companies.

Seven million euros have been destined to the purchase of vehicles with alternative propulsion systems such as methane CNG, natural liquified gas LNG, and electric propulsion (Full-electric).The assigned contributions are as follows: for industrial CNG methane propulsion vehicles that have a full load weight equal to 3.5 tons or more, and up to 7 tons there are 3,550 euros available, and 10,000 euros for the same size electrical vehicles; Also for industrial CNG methane or LNG liquified gas vehicles that  have a full load weight equal to or above seven tons, there is the availability of 8,000 or 20,000 euros respectively. The incentives to road transportation with natural gas vehicles is an important goal reached, but is not fully complete. In our opinion, they are guilty of not having included the post vehicles sales transformation, which could have also been extended to heavier trucks.