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Mon, May

Electric cars, the impact of the Corona virus


According to the international consulting firm Deloitte, an analysis focused on the automotive sector would reveal a short to medium term slowdown in the global transition to electric mobility.

This is caused by the collapse of market demand and industrial production, as well as the need for a change in the current targets for reducing CO2 emissions in order to promote the recovery of the automotive industry. In Europe, the electricity sector closed the last quarter of 2019 with a growth rate of 80.5%, but after the shutdown of China’s plants, the world’s largest battery producer with a share of more than 50% of the market, there will be significant repercussions on the international supply chain. Therefore now we experience an increase in uncertainty about the sector’s transformation time frame and estimates for 2020. Deloitte underlines how, in any case,the transition to electric mobility is not in question, in the medium-long term, also in light of the huge investments in innovation made by OEMs and institutions.