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Mon, May

The green deal, let’s believe in it


The EU Commission presented the European Green deal, a road map with actions to stimulate the efficient use of resources, thanks to the transition to a circular and clean economy, in order to stop climate change, ending biodiversity loss and overall reducing pollution.

The ambitious goal: to make Europe the first continent in the world with zero climate impact by 2050, boosting the economy, improving people’s health and quality of life, protecting nature without excluding anyone from this process. Looking for this, leaving aside the green cutting measures contained in the Italian economy maneuver, it is necessary to look far beyond that, and, with an act of trust, work in this direction in a sort of alliance for the green economy.

To do this, it is necessary to be able to rely on public administrators, politicians and all stakeholders, because in the upcoming years very important issues will be decided in Europe.
The time schedule is very rich and traversal, also in terms of mobility. Among the points highlighted is the evaluation of legislative options to increase the production and supply of sustainable alternative fuels for the different ways of transportation; the review of fuel taxation and the Dafi (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive), the emission standards and the charging infrastructure.

The best wish for next year (and or many years more) is to have those who represent us on our side, citizens and businesses must be protected because every day they must reconcile immediate needs and market needs with good practices, practices that are increasingly connected to the environmental issues. But beware: if Ursula von der Leyen stated that the European
Green deal is our new strategy for growth, deputy Frans Timmermans added that it is our responsibility to ensure that the transition is a fair process.