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Thu, Apr

Siena, ancient and modern in harmony with the environment


The origins of the city of Siena are still uncertain, but the experts believe that it developed near ancient Etruscan settlements.

Mythology tells of its foundation by Senius, son of Remus, the twin brother of Romulus and killed by him at the foundation of Rome. More concretely, it may go back to the Sénonian Gauls or other tribes of the 5th or 4th century B.C. The city developed as a trading post on the “Cassia” way which was also the road taken by European pilgrims toward Rome and Jerusalem in the Middle Ages. Siena does not want to be famous only as the City of the Palio” and had launched a project entitled “Carbon Free 2015”. Already, two years in advance of the 2015 deadline, the capacity for absorption of greenhouse gas emissions is 102%. This means that the territory has a positive balance with respect to the emissions released in the air. In the city, many cars are fueled by LPG and CNG.