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Sat, Nov

Sustainable development, update of the national strategy


The National Strategy for Sustainable Development dates from August 2002, and specified four priorities: climate, nature and biodiversity, quality of the environment and of life in the urban environment; sustainable use and management of natural resources and waste.

The adoption last September by the U.N. Assembly of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs), which went into effect on 1 January and which are to be attained by 2030, requires its update: the Environmental Annex establishes that the government must provide within ninety days of enacting the law and then every three years.

The first consultation was held on 31 March at the Ministry for the Environment, headed by the Minister, Gianluca Galletti, who listed the salient events of 2015 for the environment: the adoption of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development by the UN and the Addis Abeba Agenda, the agreement reached at Cop21 in Paris, The Encyclical published by Pope Francis. The meeting was attended by the new group ASviS, the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development, with many of the 80 organizations that belong to it. The spokesman Enrico Giovannini presented a strategic document and made a number of demands. In particular he suggests that the Strategy should not concern the environment alone, but should embrace all the aspects, including the economic and social ones, contemplated by the 17 goals.