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Sun, Sep

According to the Gas Decarbonisation Pathways 2020-2050 study, the introduction of a 10% share of renewable gases – bio-methane and hydrogen – in networks across Europe, together with the increase in renewable electricity, will allow to achieve climate neutrality in 2050 cutting CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030.

After a bleak 2019, which saw a strong decline of more than 5% in global automotive production and ended a 10 years trend of continuous growth, the global automotive industry – among the most important in the world – faces an unprecedented new challenge in 2020.

Ngva Europe - Natural & bio Gas Vehicle Association, has published statistics and numbers on the registration of gas vehicles and the development of refueling stations in 2019.

In 2019, according to the data released by Acea, in the countries of the enlarged European Union and EFTA , the registered car volumes reached 15,805,752 units, with a positive variation of 1.2% compared to 2018. For the European market it is the sixth consecutive year of growth.

The 2020 economic maneuver has equated electric push scooters to velocipedes, allowing their legitimate circulation since the beginning of last January as a part of an experiment on micro mobility.

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